Webinar Details
This webinar aired live Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 2:00PM EST, and was presented by Dr. John M. Burke, Co-Founder, President, and CEO of Applied BioMath and Lorna Speid, B.Pharm.(Hons)., M.R.Pharm.S., Ph.D., RAC, Founder and President of Speid & Associates, Inc.
The development of New Chemical and Biological Entities is becoming more and more challenging. Most people agree that the lower hanging fruit has been picked. However, there are steps that companies can take to maximize their chances of success. Drug development 101 requires that companies develop a Target Product Profile (TPP) and a Regulatory Strategy, and yet many companies are failing in these endeavors, or are leaving them out of their development programs altogether.
In this webinar targeted to scientists and project leaders in research and development, Dr. Lorna Speid will discuss and present examples of how to develop the Regulatory Strategy. Dr. John Burke will parallel these examples with case studies on how Model-Aided Drug Invention can support and guide such a regulatory strategy.