What is Mechanistic Modeling and How Can it be Applied in Drug Discovery?


John M. Burke, PhD, Co-founder, President and CEO at Applied BioMath


In the first part of this three-part GENcast series, Dr. John Burke, President, CEO, and Co-founder of Applied BioMath, introduces mechanistic modeling concepts and the basics of how they can be applied to drug discovery workflows. In this podcast, Dr. Burke answers the following questions:

  • How did you start Applied BioMath?
  • What is mechanistic modeling and why is it important for drug discovery?
  • How is mechanistic modeling different from traditional approaches?
  • How is Applied BioMath’s mechanistic modeling approach different?
  • Where in the pipeline does Applied BioMath get involved and when should mechanistic modeling be brought in?
  • How much data do your partners need to have for you to build a model? 
  • What is the process like for your partners as their models are being developed?
  • The FDA have endorsed MIDD - What does this mean for the integration of modeling into R&D?
  • How does mechanistic modeling apply for cell and gene therapies?

To read a shortened version of this podcast, click here: Mechanistic Modeling and its Role In Drug Discovery.

View our other podcasts in this GENcast Series

Applying Mechanistic PK/PD Modeling Approaches in Preclinical Research

Mechanistic Modeling in Clinical Development